Nigerian Parents Need Hobbies

No, seriously.

Nigerian Parents Need Hobbies.

I’m sure any young Nigerians out there can understand and sympathize with the dismay felt by hearing your parents exclamations about you leaving out of the house…again as if there is something wrong with wanting to do so lol.   (Imagine the Nigerian accents with me…)

“You’re going out, again???” or…

“It’s the Holiday, you should be staying home with your family.” or…

“Ehhhn, so you don’t want to be around us?”

For example: My own parents like to claim that I am always “running away” from them in that I have moved around the East Coast but have never come back to their house (and currently planning to move to Chicago lol)…and when I do visit, I’m gone half the time seeing old friends.  Please note that I am not, at all, running away from the fam.  I think. (lol jk)

But the question they have never answered to my satisfaction is…What would I be doing if I were here at home??? I’ve talked to several friends who share and understand this sentiment.  Granted, during the holidays, sure it’s nice to chill with the fam, but I think I am too restless to be satisfied with just chillin at home.  So, what would these parents have us do instead? Sit at home, wasting time?  I can’t imagine that it would be exciting for a young woman in her prime to be sitting around doing nothing while her dad watches the Local News on ABC just for the sake of being at home.  Yet, some of our Nigerian parents have it in their heads that we need to be doing just that.

And so, it was in a conversation with fellow Nigerian youth that we came to the conclusion that Nigerian Parents Need Hobbies.

With hobbies, Nigerian parents will have something to occupy their time and energy rather than cramping your young adult groove ;). The objective is that they become so enthralled with their activities that they worry less about which restaurant you’re meeting your friends at and how late you’ll be coming back. (Not too late so they don’t call out the dogs lol)  Their evenings, weekends, or holidays won’t be filled with them laying around the house, resting from a tired work week expecting you to do the same (lol!).  Instead, they will add a little bit more meaning and substance to their lives, (cuz we’re grown, they’re pretty much done raising us) and will be content with the idea that we don’t want to be just sitting at home for no reason, getting them water and bringing the remote when they don’t feel like getting up. LOL (Testify if you KNOW what I’m saying lol)

For the life of me, I can’t say quite yet what hobbies these should be…but I’m working on it.  Lol.  Please send suggestions. 😀 (Reading? Working out? …who knows…)

If your parents are Nigerian…shoo, African, Caribbean, Asian, or just foreign in general and in that 40/50+ range, do they have hobbies? If so, what are they doing?

Peace, Love, and all that… don’t forget to comment…so I don’t think I’m talking to myself. lol 😀

~Precise Incision~

PS- this is not really serious…lol, just being silly 😀

About preciseincision

Follower of Christ. Nigerian. Africa. Blackness. Progression. Laughter. Let's change the world, one post at a time. :D

Posted on December 27, 2011, in Africa, Miscellaneous, Nigeria, Random Thoughts and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Ask them (the parents) what would they be doing if they were in Nigeria for Christmas. There is no way they would be at home.

    • Lol, I already know what they’d be doing. Weddings, Various Ceremonies, things don’t stop in our village during Christmas time.
      But it’s after Christmas time that I’m not sure about lol…

  2. This is HILARIOUS!!! I thought it was just my parents, but maybe it really is a Nigerian thing! hahahaha!

    “Where are you going!!? (Nigerian accent)

    My goodness. Our life as Naija kids. The struggle is real, hahaha!

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